Public & Visual Art
Public Art
Per Cent for Art Scheme
The Per Cent for Art Scheme requires up to one percent of the total budget of each capital project, across all government departments, to be ring-fenced for the commissioning of a work of art. The Arts Office assists the commissioning department in the Local Authority with the implementation of the scheme. The aim of the scheme, which was established in 1978 and developed in the mid 1990’s, is to support artists in Ireland and to make art more accessible to the general public. The work of art can take any form e.g. a sculpture, which enhances public areas, or a project, which encourages community engagement.

Arch by John Crowley, 2003 (Photo: Domnick Walsh)
Other Public Art

The Kerry Walls Project, Killarney by AD Wart, 2020 (Photo: Don MacMonagle)
Visual Arts
We support Kerry visual artists by providing mentoring (co-funded by Kerry County Council & The Arts Council) in partnership with Visual Artists Ireland.

Burning Land 2 by Kaye Maahs (KVAS 2019)
The Seven Ages Collection by Pauline Bewick is one of Kerry’s most exciting cultural treasures. On turning 70 in 2005, Pauline decided to donate a 500-piece collection, representing the first seven decades of her life and a range of styles, to the State. These artworks are thought-provoking, humorous and reflective and were inspired by her Kerry surroundings, Irish life and mythology. They are permanently on display at Library Place, Killorglin and at the South East Technological University, Waterford and are an invaluable social and cultural record of 20th Century Ireland.

Life of Cocks & Hens,
Aubusson Tapestry by Pauline Bewick